
Robotics and Programming courses

Coding for kids Level I

This level is a fun and smart way for kids to learn the basics of programming. kids (start from Grade1) can program their own stories and games. During the learning process, they learn to solve problems, design projects, and express themselves creativly on the computer.

Prequest: None

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Robotics for kids Level I

In this fun, playing like, DO It Yourself level, Kids (start from (Grade 2)will learn some basics of the robotics, and how to program the robot to do a task. They will also learn some Math while playing with the robot. During the learnin process, they learn to get get some skills such critical thinking, and problem solving skills.

Prerequest: Coding level for kids 1

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Robotics for kids Level II

In this fun, playing like, Do it yourself (DIY)level, Kids (start from (Grade 2)will learn more basics of the robotics, and how to program the robot to do more advanced task. They will also learn some more Math and Science while playing with the robot. During the learnin process, they learn to get get some skills such critical thinking, and problem solving skills.

Prerequest: Robotics for kids level 1 .

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Coding for kids Level II

This is the more advanced level of the coding for kids level I. this level is a fun and smart way for kids to learn more of the basics of programming. kids (start from Grade3) can program their own stories and advanced games. During the learning process, they learn how to solve problems, design projects, and express themselves creativly on the computer.

Prerequest : Coding for kids level I

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Coding for kids Level III

In this level, kids (start from Grade 7) programming skills will be developed more. They will learn the fundamental of programming using Python as a text-programming language. . They will start to write codes to solve basic programming problems. Flow chart will be introduced to the kids in solving the programming problems. During the learning process, students will gain skills such as critical thinking, solving problems skills.

Prerequest: Coding for kids level II

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Coding for kids level IV

This is the advanced level of the Coding for kids level III . Kids will be getting more Python language skills by solving advanced programming problems.

During the learning process, Kids will get skills in using Flow charts in solving advanced problems, critical thinking, as well as being creative skills

Prerequest : Coding for kids level III

. Registration Gallery

Intoducation to Arduino & Electronics fun

In this level, kids (start from Grade 7) will learn the basic principle of some simple electronic elemets . . They will also know the principle of operation of such electronic elements, and how to use them to buils simple electronic projects. In the 2nd part of this couse, the Arduino microcontroller will be introduced to the students. The students will start to learn how to program it to control the electronic elements. By the end of this course, students will be able to build s simple arduino controlled electronic project. During the learning process, students will learn some Science.

Prerequest: Coding for kids level IV

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Advanced Robotics Level

This level is consedered the integration level for all the up levels. By the end of this level, the students will be able to

build up a smart robotic car from scratch.

Program the Arduino to control the smart the robotics car.

During the learning process, Kids will get skills in using Flow charts in solving advanced problems, critical thinking, as well as being creative skills

Prerequest : Intoducation to Arduino & Electronics fun

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HTML for kids

This course is the web design introductry course for the kids. Kids will be having fun time in learning by doing the basics of the web design using the HTML

Kids ages starting from 7th grade are encouraged to sign up for this fun course.

Prerequest : just Typing and basic computer skills

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